
Apigee Edge - Moderately critical - Access bypass - SA-CONTRIB-2020-028

Apigee Edge - Moderately critical - Access bypass - SA-CONTRIB-2020-028

Project: Apigee Edge
Version: 8.x-1.x-dev
Date: 2020-July-22
Security risk: Moderately critical 10∕25 
Vulnerability: Access bypass


The Apigee Edge module allows connecting a Drupal site to Apigee Edge in order to build a developer portal. It contains an "Apigee Edge Teams" submodule that provides shared app functionality by allowing developers to be organized into teams.

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Modal Form - Critical - Access bypass - SA-CONTRIB-2020-029

Modal Form - Critical - Access bypass - SA-CONTRIB-2020-029

Project: Modal Form
Version: 8.x-1.x-dev
Date: 2020-July-22
Security risk: Critical 16∕25
Vulnerability: Access bypass


The Modal form module is a toolset for quick start of using forms in modal windows.

Any form is available for view and submit when the modal_form module is installed. The only requirement is to know the form's fully-qualified class name.


Upgrade to modal_form-8.x-1.2.

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Easy Breadcrumb - Moderately critical - Cross site scripting - SA-CONTRIB-2020-027

Easy Breadcrumb - Moderately critical - Cross site scripting - SA-CONTRIB-2020-027

Project: Easy Breadcrumb
Version: 8.x-1.x-dev
Date: 2020-July-22
Security risk: Moderately critical 13∕25 
Vulnerability: Cross site scripting


This module enables you to use the current URL (path alias) and the current page's title to automatically extract the breadcrumb's segments and its respective links then show them as breadcrumbs on your website.

The module doesn't sufficiently sanitize editor input in certain circumstances leading to a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability.

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Renderkit - Less critical - Access bypass - SA-CONTRIB-2020-026

Renderkit - Less critical - Access bypass - SA-CONTRIB-2020-026

Project: Renderkit
Version: 7.x-1.x-dev
Date: 2020-July-01
Security risk: Less critical 9∕25 
Vulnerability: Access bypass


The renderkit module contains components which can transform the display of field items sent to it.

Some of these components do not respect the '#access' property on the field render element, and thus can make rendered field values visible to visitors who would otherwise not be allowed to see those field values.

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Drupal 7: Internationalization - Moderately critical - Cross site scripting - SA-CONTRIB-2020-025

Drupal Security

Project: Internationalization
Version: 7.x-1.x-dev
Date: 2020-June-17
Security risk: Moderately critical 14∕25 
Vulnerability: Cross site scripting


The Internationalization (i18n) module is a collection of modules to extend Drupal 7 core multilingual capabilities and allows to build real life multilingual sites.

A value in the term translation module is displayed without being escaped leading to a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability.

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Drupal 8 and 9 core - Less critical - Access bypass - SA-CORE-2020-006

Drupal Security

Project: Drupal core
Date: 2020-June-17
Security risk: Less critical 8∕25 
Vulnerability: Access bypass
CVE IDs: CVE-2020-13665


JSON:API PATCH requests may bypass validation for certain fields.

By default, JSON:API works in a read-only mode which makes it impossible to exploit the vulnerability. Only sites that have the read_only set to FALSE under jsonapi.settings config are vulnerable.


Install the latest version:

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Drupal 8 and 9 core - Critical - Arbitrary PHP code execution - SA-CORE-2020-005

Drupal Security

Project: Drupal core
Date: 2020-June-17
Security risk: Critical 17∕25 
Vulnerability: Arbitrary PHP code execution
CVE IDs: CVE-2020-13664


Drupal 8 and 9 have a remote code execution vulnerability under certain circumstances.

An attacker could trick an administrator into visiting a malicious site that could result in creating a carefully named directory on the file system. With this directory in place, an attacker could attempt to brute force a remote code execution vulnerability.

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