Drupal 7's FAQ Field has been ported to Backdrop

Drupal 7's FAQ Field has been ported to Backdrop


We are happy to announce the initial release of FAQ field module for Backdrop. Initially created for Drupal 7 by Patrick Drotleff and now ported to Backdrop by AltaGrade team, FAQ Field module provides a field for frequently asked questions.

Adding to any content type or user entity, you can create simple but smooth frequently asked questions on any piece of content on your Backdrop website.


Add the field to any entity as usual. On the fields settings you can choose what kind of answer input widget should be used and how it should be filtered. If you choose a formatable textarea you can configure the default filter by the default value preview on the field settings page and there are several advanced options you can make use of.

You have the choice of the following display formatters:

  • Accordion (jQuery JavaScript animated show / hide)
  • Simple text (none formatted, simple output for custom theming)
  • Definition list (typical FAQ list)
  • Anchor list (a FAQ with anchor link list)

If you are using accordion you can modify its behavior easily by the display settings.

Also look at the project's page on https://backdropcms.org/project/faqfield

Other modules ported

You can find the list of other modules ported to Backdrop by AltaGrade team on https://www.altagrade.com/help/tools/download

Nick Onom's picture
Nick Onom
Marketing Project Manager
Enthusiastic about all kinds of Open Source applications, AI, bitcoins, but mostly Drupal and Backdrop. For last years has been actively developing AltaGrade's new back-end system.

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