We are starting AltaGrade!

I am delighted to announce today that a hosting provider previously known as Drupion changes its jurisdiction from San Jose, California to Seattle, Washington and re-launches as AltaGrade LLC, a web-hosting company for everybody created by nerds who know the best of and love to support Drupal, Backdrop, WordPress, Joomla and thousands of other most popular web applications running on Linux.
One of the reasons for the change is that over the years of Drupion's existence occasionally our website https://www.drupion.com was confused with https://www.drupal.org, and users would try to file Drupal issues with us. While the same color palette and close design definitely helped our customers to make a strong association between our services to Drupal as a product, our intention was never to pretend Drupal was our software-product. On the contrary, it has always been a principle policy of our company to fight copyright and trademark infringements, which is explicitly stated in our Terms of Services, therefore it was just a matter of time for us to make necessary changes emphasizing the distinctiveness of our services.
Another reason is that in the very beginning Drupion stood for Drupal Companion, because we used to host only Drupal websites. Nevertheless, for many years we have been also hosting numerous WordPress, Joomla and Backdrop websites for our customers. Considering the end-of-life of Drupal 7 in November 2021 is slowly approaching, we will be shifting our platform's focus to host more of Drupal 8 and Backdrop websites. In fact, continuing to support Drupal 7 longer beyond 2021, at the same time we will be pro-actively helping our customers to upgrade their websites to Drupal 8 and Backdrop. We firmly believe Backdrop will be gradually becoming the CMS of choice for many our customers. And as a company that has always strived to provide the application specific hosting services, we decided to embrace a new and more neutral company name - AltaGrade.
Along with the change of the company name, our domain name and overall design of our website, we have introduced the number of exciting additions and adjustments to our services, which we will be posting about with the further details in the coming weeks and months. Meanwhile our old website at https://www.drupion.com and customer servicing portal at https://dashboard.drupion.com are still intact and will be running for some time until we migrate all our customer accounts and relevant content to our new ticketing and billing backend.
February 23, 2019 - 19:42
David M.
We've already been migrated to and fallen in love with the new platform. So many convenient new features. Great job, Altagrade/Drupion team!
February 24, 2019 - 01:16
Nick Onom
Thanks David! It's true AltaGrade platform has much better usability and functionality in comparison with the old Drupion dashboard. But it's just a start as we are going to keep extending it with lot's of other cool features and tools.
April 2, 2019 - 22:40
Looks as a good fit for my next Drupal project, but before signing-up I would love to take a look what's inside the box. Do you, guys, offer a free test-drive?
April 7, 2019 - 14:02
Nick Onom
Hi Rahil! Thanks for your interests in our services. Though we do not offer free trial accounts, we have 30-day unconditional money-back guarantee. Please find the details on https://www.altagrade.com/about/policies/moneyback-guarantee and hopefully see you on AltaGrade!
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